but Kongress is something special to me... it was the first of Lem's books I read and instantly became my favourite...
Hey! Mine too was the first! Since, Ijon Tichy fascinate to me, and devour The Star Diaries and Memoirs of space traveler.
However, I think I would choice Vacum Perfect or Imaginare magnitud, or maybe Memoris found in a bathtub. Or maybe some fine, ilustrated or hard to find edition...
My greatest dream is meeting him once, or writing a letter that he answers... well, dreams.
I think that is the dream of many of us. I would like to ask him some questions...
I like to invite you and all to my site (link on bottom of all my posts); is in spanish, but in the archives thera are some material in english (interviews, articles).
You're english is perfectly right, I think.
Thank you
, but I'm not sure... when I try to elaborate my answers is hard to me find the rigth expressions.