Autor Wątek: Pictures of Solaris  (Przeczytany 184559 razy)


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Pictures of Solaris
« dnia: Grudnia 03, 2006, 05:27:33 pm »

I am a french reader of Stanislas Lem. I have made a website in which I show pictures I made from the novel Solaris. The website is in french (may be a day I'll made an english version) but there is a lot of pictures you can watch. Please, tell me what do you think about il.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Grudnia 04, 2006, 11:51:16 am »
Well, I must say they are very, I mean VERY impressive. On one hand one can get sick from the pinky colours, but on the other hand, we have to mind that it sort of  'actually' looked like this according to the book. You are creative and also you followed the descriptions of the Ocean's creatures, resulting in what is in my opinion one of the very few images of what Mimoids and other actually looked like. It's a real pleasure to watch!

It shows in Your work that You've merged coloured hand drawings with 3D rendering, and that conceptions surely works for me, it gives the whole a feeling of naturality, at the same time preserving the details.

So to summarize, they're perfect! I'd like to see such ilustrations in some edition of the book ::)

And You should definitely translate Your page into English, it would enable us to read it, and it's doubtlessly interesting.

Best Regards

« Ostatnia zmiana: Grudnia 04, 2006, 11:51:54 am wysłana przez Terminus »


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Grudnia 04, 2006, 03:55:59 pm »
You did a great job on Symetriade 3. I like this one.

The sketches you placed under your color works make pretty good impression. I've always
liked conceptual pictures. On those black-and-white pics I can see sort of transparent slime among
those, I'd say, fingers or tentacles. In the color version they are gone. Was it intended?

I'm looking forward to see english version of your web page.

In my opinion Mimoids are looking too much CG, but on the other hand parhaps it was exactly what you wanted them to look like.

Anyway, good work!



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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Grudnia 04, 2006, 11:34:47 pm »
Thank for your comments.

For Terminus:

Yes, the colour of the sky is strange but it is said in the novel that during the red day the sky is purple. I prefer to place my pictures during the red day because I do not like too much the colours of the blue day but I would try a day.  

For Deckard:

The design of the symetriade have evolved much. I had planned for a moment to place membranes on the "branches" but finally I did not retain them. I would probably use them for a other version later. For the mimoides,  yes you are right, they look like very CGI  but  I don't dislike it. However, today I must say that I find them a little small, Lem speaks about structures being able to reach the size of a continent. They are are old mimoides, who shrinked  with the time. I would make one day a version showing of a mimoide much larger (and less CGI).

Thereafter I would add other pictures on my site. Currently I work on a asymetriade.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2006, 08:14:28 pm »
Very nice work. Am I right that these works are 3D visualizations with hand-made retouche? (;D I'm not telling You I can read French). What prog do You use? Do You use air-brush to retouche? What is the size of the ready work? What does it mean "Le Roman" in French?
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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Grudnia 07, 2006, 11:13:53 pm »
To create the formations of the ocean I use a software called AMORPHIUM, it allow to manipulate and twist virtual objects like clay. I set them into scenes created with VUE D'ESPRIT, a worlds creating software (like BRICE) and I retouche the pictures with COREL PHOTOPAINT (a PHOTOSHOP like Software). I use a WACOM graphic tablet for this. I notably rectify incorrect joins between objects and  I added also certain details such as fringes scalloped by the longus, the exgrowths between the mimoïde and the helicopter or the trunks extremities of the agilus. The symetriade part 1 and 2  are not CGI, I painted them entirely with the graphic tablet in COREL PHOTOPAINT because I am not enough  skilled in CGI mastery (for the moment) to allow me to model directly a thing of a such complexity. I start to work on a  preparatory sketch and I then integrated the image into a CGI backgrounds.

For the size of this pictures, they are around  30x30 cm for square pictures (symetriade) and 27x36 cm  for others. All are in 300 dpi.

Le roman  mean  the novel in french.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Grudnia 30, 2006, 10:28:28 pm »
I registered to answer the opening post, the pictures are stunning, I have been looking for 3D graphics of Solaris for a long time. Congrats!  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Stycznia 03, 2007, 11:52:33 am »
I was wainting myself for pictures of Solaris and I was full of hope for the 2002's movie... until I watch it. I was very, very disapointed. Soderbergh have get out the ocean for the profit of a silly love story and it's a great shame. This is definitely not Solaris !  >:(  So, I began to made pictures for myself and I want afterward to share them with other peoples.

My website have now a english version available (and I also add few new pictures). You can acced to it here :

[size=14]I wish to all of you a happy new year 2007[/size].[/b]


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Stycznia 03, 2007, 01:56:22 pm »
I want my coffee hot and best social media I was a part of brought back in my lifetime.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Stycznia 16, 2007, 12:27:11 am »
My website have now a english version available (and I also add few new pictures).


Fantastic pictures, indeed. I must say I thought about The Ocean as of much darker and much slimier, but I guess your pictures can't be really slimy as they show Him in a much broader view and in a greater scale.

Also the mimoïdes (I love them with the ï with two dots) in my mind were creating much less ideal objects. Nevertheless, I do love your creations and I would love to see them in a motion picture...

Looking forward for more from you!!!

Take care,

Don't do it!


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Stycznia 28, 2007, 08:02:17 pm »
Indeed, the ocean could be darker but the attempts that I had made with a darker texture did not give very satisfactory results, it looked like rather some ink. I thus chose to use the games of light on its surface to render better its substance. In the novel the colour of the ocean changes according to the lighting and also some phenomena.

For the mimoides, yes I think that you are right, objects create by them would be less perfected but that was my first attempts, I not know how to represent such things, so I chose to make simplified objects. I would make other pictures with less perfect creations. I think I can improve my representations of the ocean of Solaris.

Thank for your advice.

This is an interressant thing : a simple experimentation realized with cornstarch, it evokes some solarian phenomena.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Stycznia 29, 2007, 01:40:18 pm »
  Wow, I must say this cornstarch really resembles solarian ocean... at least the way I imagine it. Thanks for the movie!
It is even more stunning once we realise that Lem probably wasn't aware of such experiments at the time of writing, yet he described the para-fluidal structures almost like he had seen it in the movie...
  As for the images you're producing: seeing them in motion would really stun me, no doubt about that. I know that your techniques at the moment don't allow you to do it, as you're using sketch and scanning, but who knows... maybe in the future, once you've prepared a full 3-d model. Who knows...

I wish you very best.


« Ostatnia zmiana: Stycznia 29, 2007, 01:44:07 pm wysłana przez Terminus »


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Lutego 01, 2007, 09:03:05 pm »
This one is also stunning:

Don't do it!


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Lutego 06, 2007, 01:48:11 pm »
I have in project to realize videos from my pictures, the CGI software  which I use allows to make animations but this software is especially conceived  to make animations of mechanical objects (robots, vehicles, spaceships) more than of living beings. I begin to make attempts of movement of the camera in a virtual scene and also of morphing. I would put on-line soon some of these films but before I am going to change my computer against a more powerful one.


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Re: Pictures of Solaris
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Lutego 06, 2007, 09:30:58 pm »
so, we will look forward to end of this project..your pictures are very, very intresting!
Good luck with your plans!
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lutego 26, 2007, 02:43:15 pm wysłana przez Terminus »