I guess the ordering of books will change in the future. It is true that there soon will be too many.
Sure you can create a page for your book - you even should. It doesn't matter at all if it has or hasn't been published in English, as long as you know how to translate the title. I guess it should be something straighforward, as "The Hunt(ing)". If some compilation appears, we usually agree on some standard of English title translation, so then everyone knows what book is considered.
Of course, IF some book has been published in English, we want to know what was the title and try to apply it. But as far as I know, this one hasn't. Don't worry, even if you put it in Lemopedia it can always be changed, so go on.
BTW it's great to have Czech people here:) We also have the word "Lov" in Polish (it's "Łów", almost the same), but I'm sure you already know we have dozens of common words:) Slavic Power!:))