Why Terminus! You are becoming quite the Philosopher!
I'm not a fan o poly-solipsism, as I mentioned a few times before, and I am just about to have enough of it.
As far as I know you poly-solipsist claim that there is no independent reality. But how therefore can You claim that "time will run it's course [...]" ? What is time (if one agrees that it exists) if not an element, a feature of objective reality?
What is "objective reality"? We went through this a few pages back. If Reality is only what we perceive it to be, then all reality is subjective.
You didn't read The Play did you? The answers are in there.
I think....
I am so happy to see it!
... that poly-solipsism is as radical as it is arrogant. It's nothing more than a subtle form of extreme anthropocentrism.
No it's not! There is nothing "subtle" about it. It is blatantly anthropocentric, except it does not state it is "Humans" but the Mind that is the creator of Reality. Homo sapiens are part of the illusion.
How can one claim that reality is only a construct of his/hers imagination?
I don't. It is a construct of "entangled" minds. That is the difference between Solipsism and Poly-Solipsism.
Read The Play!!
It is simply based on a fact that the only way humans can observe reality is through their human eyes.
That is not quite true, we observe reality through our "senses." But what are our senses, and how do they work? A few of the links I left on the previous page go into this subject in some detail. We are finding some really "spooky" things about our senses.
Check out Hypnosis to find a few other "spooky" findings about our senses.
It's not any more revealing that to claim that the stars are just holes in a black veil surrounding the sky - just because no one can check it out.
Quantum Physics is "checking it out"! So are the Para-psychologist who study ESP and other things we have long considered "paranormal."
I have a few links to some of them on my web site.
By the way, how's the skiing? I think I read you finally got some snow!