superconciousness controls ecosystems, and gives grace to 'life'
-are transcendental, enjoys liberated spritual life,
-all scale structures are 'coherent': they restores resistivity against
*interaction is perpetually inspiration or mental 'mercy' (humans brains regenerates
continously and develop sensitively)
*due to spiritual values, huge materialism disappears totally because spiritual life
needs only intelligent feeding
*all people have raised their curiosity and intelligent with perfect inpiration: their
actions deliver
new stimuluses to each others brainstructures
-every lifeform is 'straight' and grows optimally without any insults, distrubances,
"awareness is so comprehensive and creative that it spontaneously eliminates
all that is not helpful to life and progress, and spontaneously absorbs all that is
"produces strong influence of positivity and harmony which supports and enriches
the evolutionary quality of Natural Law and nourishes all life."
-perfect information delivers intantly everywhere and system can anticipate without delay
all changes of variables.
(parts of philosophy is presented by maharishi)
human living blissful spiritual life have loosen from limitations of body, communicates
only to delight each others and to evolution harmony
..more loose ideas (one can develop these freely)
99% of technology is waste it serves materiality
'people dont need this technology',
they could be happy in a cave with all-blissful brainstimulator and communicator
or practise yoga and possibly have devices what teach motor skills and
take care of physical health with own exercises'
then humans are intelligent enough when they want (following fully internationalized
rules of being creative without causing damage to sensitive ecosystems or spiritual
community) to do science, technology
human brain consists of braincells what develop new structures like trees widens
their brances. every human has a 'working field' what inspires their growth and brings
outer order
even most of humans body is 'waste' for spiritual life what happens in nervoussystem
*invent necessary technology to keep and stimulate human braincortex and be independent
from lower bodyfunctions
*food: electromagnetic recovery, syntetic blood (to deliver oxygen and nutritions without
using stomach, energy to muscles), replicators for necessary chemicals
*for example personal thin cybersuite can transform energy from light, recycle water,
put body to lower temperature, shut down body functions and produce nutrition
*for example radiotechnology connects people globally; they are aware, using their full
capacity and transfer information without delays and function like one concious flock
**conciousness can use all brainpotential to solve intelligent problems
(this is just technology between human brains now separated into billions of noncommunicating
parts who has prejudices, are drown to keep own material bodies alive and many times
blindly living own limited world-view with misbeliefs or misfuctions forgotten or
not following righteous way of healthy possible life)