Autor Wątek: Solaris in a Play  (Przeczytany 22988 razy)


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Solaris in a Play
« dnia: Lutego 01, 2007, 09:25:59 am »
Have you ever heard about Solaris in a Play,in the theatre? well, I'm trying to adapt Solaris, and the two version of cinema into a play. If someone has any information about something like that, please tell me. I was looking forthe rights too.
well, peace and love...



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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Lutego 01, 2007, 08:28:50 pm »
Lem told in one of interviews that one of the Ukrainian (? - don't remember for sure) theaters sent him 100 dollars for rights to solaris play. For me it was funny  :D
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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Lutego 08, 2007, 11:26:11 pm »
I don't know if the novel Solaris would be fit for a play. For all of that take place aboard the station, maybe it would work but how to do for the ocean ? Maybe the players could read aloud extracts of the novel. Some pictures of the solarian phenomena could be projected on a screen placed on the stage.

I believe I am going to wait for Solaris, the musical, with singing mimoides and dancing symetriades.


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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Lutego 09, 2007, 01:56:21 pm »
I understand, Dom, that you're stronlgy connected with the visuals of Solaris, and thus neglect the idea of it begin adapted for a play. But in my opinion, if we threw the visuals (and even the whole ocean) away, Solaris would still defend itself perfectly as a play. The movies proove this. Soderbergh's movie doesn't reach anywhere where a well thought-out play couldn't reach.



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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Lutego 12, 2007, 02:38:30 pm »
Let me just add - I think it's necessary - that If one would seriously consider making Solaris into a play, it would be handy to replace the ocean with something else. Like a house, or some terrain where the characters would be realistically set in a way that would look good in a theatre.


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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Lutego 13, 2007, 05:29:06 pm »
or telebeam in background imitating window
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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Lutego 15, 2007, 08:11:52 pm »
I believe I am going to wait for Solaris, the musical, with singing mimoides and dancing symetriades.
Some time ago i read a short interview (or an article with Lem's quotes) that was about movies based upon Lem's books (he dislikes most of them  :) ). He mentioned a modern music concert based upon (or, rather, inspired by) Cyberiad. He said, that it sounded like a glass magazine under arttillery fire  ;D


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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Lutego 15, 2007, 09:29:08 pm »
Yes you are right Terminus, maybe I am a little obsessed by the visual side of the novel. The ocean is an important character of the story (the central figure in fact) and I do not think that we can remove him without distorting it considerably. It is what have made Soderbegh and I regret it, his movie does not much have to see any more with the novel, he made too many changes.

I think the important is not so that the ocean is present physically on the stage (he is too big for that) but that its presence is perceptible, through what make the human characters, of what they say themselves. It would not be necessary to use elements with a strong visual sense but only to suggest some things. In the novel, we witness some phenomena which arise near the station but the majority of the informations concerning the ocean are passed on to us by the documents which reads kelvin, the extracts of encyclopediae, reports and other articles.

There are many flashbacks in the novel, these are very important to understand the relation (long and complex) between the human beings and the ocean of Solaris. It would be good to keep them in the play. I imagine a scene with solaristes in full debate about the ocean. There is a passage which would be very well to be included in the play : it is the one during which Kelvin accompany children in a museum dedicated to the ocean of Solaris, arrived in a room where are exposed photos, models and videos of symetriades, a girl asks to him what is the purpose of all this, he does not know what to answer. Here is a good means to hint in the ocean and to the enigma which it represents, without having to use considerable visual means. In Tarkovski's movie, the testimony of Berton is very well made, even without any visual elements one understands perfectly the strangeness of the phenomena with which the pilot was confronted.

Naturally, we could - for certains scenes- use projections directly on the stage, on screens situated behind the windows of the station and showing the surface of the planet. When I spoke about Solaris the musical, it was only a joke but the means used in musicals are very ingenious and very effective. I saw The Phantom of the Opera some years ago and certains scenes are really impressives.

In all the manners, a play adapted from Solaris would definitively be not a ordinary play.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lutego 15, 2007, 09:30:06 pm wysłana przez dom »


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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Lutego 17, 2007, 04:20:00 pm »
...sounded like a glass magazine...
Of course, I wanted to write warehouse, not magazine... Unfortunately I can't find "Modify" button now, strange...

When I spoke about Solaris the musical, it was only a joke...
I knew  :)


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Re: Solaris in a Play
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Kwietnia 02, 2007, 10:11:39 am »

I attended a performance of Solaris brought to stage by a theatre from Berlin. You may wish to my website for details:

Good luck!
Kris ... walked straight across the shiny water surface to the far shore, towards his father's house.