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Wiadomości - margaretfit

Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Re: 'Maska' - a short film adaptation by the Quay Brothers
« dnia: Stycznia 26, 2011, 05:57:07 am »
Amazing indeed! I loved the trailer very much :D

Forum in English / Re: Why Didn't/Hasn't Michael Kandel Translate(d) SOLARIS?
« dnia: Stycznia 26, 2011, 05:56:13 am »

The good news is that a new translation is in progress;  the book, which shall be published as an audiobook by Audible and (somewhat later) in e-book form shall be translated from the Polish original by Bill Johnston, a professor of Second Language Studies and Comparative Literature at Indiana University.

That is good news indeed. Thanks for the info. I am looking forward to the new translation. :)

Strony: [1]