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Wiadomości - Kristena

Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Re: Does anybody know....
« dnia: Sierpnia 01, 2005, 11:32:47 am »
Thank you very much  ;) looks like the one  ;)

Forum in English / Does anybody know....
« dnia: Lipca 26, 2005, 03:54:01 pm »

The story begun on 1999, when I took a polish film for rent in a cosy place (that does not exist anymore :( ) to whatch in the evening... As far as I remember - the title was Daughter's Bodyguard or something similar. In couple years I tried to find it - but now I can't... My guess would be - the title is not exact because of translation in russian.. Sad. I really would like to find it - so - if anybody can help...? ::)

Thank you in advance  ;)


Strony: [1]