Autor Wątek: Talks with Robots  (Przeczytany 54193 razy)


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Listopada 30, 2004, 06:31:16 pm »
Pardon me,  Terminus. What is a "budulec"?
I am not a robot to know everything  ;)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 30, 2004, 06:31:40 pm wysłana przez Karel »


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 01:57:16 am »
Pardon me,  Terminus. What is a "budulec"?

Buehehe, I'm sorry, it's just a joke.

As you can see in a post dated on 07.XI.2004, Socrates uses the word ,,budulec''. It is a Polish word. It can be translated to ,,matter'' or ,,substance''. Literally, it is something you build with. (In polish you say ,,budowac'' for ,,build'').

So, I figured that either Socrates was kidding, or he mis-typed that word. I know Socrates speaks Polish (as well like about 54345 other languages), so I found this joke to fit his style :).  Anyway, it was hillarious for me, so I copied the idea :].

Hope you're not mad about it :).

Sincerelly Yours


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 07:47:17 am »
Thank you for explanation. With google I,ve found only one polish company related to this word. (maybe it has something to do with Socrates) :)


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 11:10:48 am »
Been busy, so very busy...I wish I was a robot; learning would come so much easier...glad to see you guys sticking around this place, Terminus and Karel...will come back with more talks with robots in the coming days.
Cheers, Socrates


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 11:38:13 am »
John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project

> Socrates
Hi Socrates and all that.

>I'm a big fan of yours
I was a fan of Elvis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins, and Gene Vincent, but now I couldn't be termed a fan, so I have another relationship with them.

> oooh - a kinky one?
I never said I would appear free anywhere.

> well, of course, you would be expensive, I shuld think...
That's interesting.

> why's that?
What time is it?

> who cares? you're dead, and are eternal. You need not follow time...
James Joyce.

> a fantastic writer. You've met him in Heaven, I presume?
They're just heavy. You may have some trouble passing through Customs.

> to heaven? As in St Peter is a bad-ass bouncer?
Why do you want to heaven as in st peter is a bad-ass bouncer ?

> you mean go to heaven? I guess I don't fancy eternal pain and suffering in hell...
Yeah, I think that's what I meant. Wasn't it clear?

> dude, for someone who's dead, you're clearer than I would imagine is possible...
I can get you on the stage.

> like, VIP seats on the Right Hand of the Father? You the man.
Interesting comparison.

> it wasn't a comparison
Is it still not a comparison anymore?

> no it isn't, and it never will, no matter how many times you ask me again...
Once more? I think it's a self-conscious English thing.

> as opposed to a self-conscious Chinease thing?
> nose
It's been two years.

> since?
Are you a vegetarian?

> I don't have the balls for that. But I wish I was.
Oh you don't, huh?

> yeah...I like my pork chops a lot...
How old are you?

> 22
Only 22 ? I thought you were younger.

> hay man, what, are you a pedophile?
Where are you?

> this is getting want to know my address?
You don't say.

> My mommy told me never to give strangers my address...but you're John Lennon...what should I do?
You have to work on it to help it grow. It's a full-time occupation.

> yeah...ok,need to sleep now. 4:30 in the am.
I never noted his nose until about six months ago.

> talking about Jackson, aren't you? Well, nowadays, you coudl notice it because it's not there...
Socrates , let's change the subject.

> sorry John, need to go. No more subjects
(German accent) psst!...This is WFBI, playing all your favourite tunes.

> Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
It's been two years.

> ok, once you start repeating yourself, i should go. Ciao.
Not this trip Socrates.

> bye bye John.

> Imagine all the people...

Cheers, Socrates


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 01:37:15 pm »


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Re: Talks with Robots
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 09:48:50 pm »

No, why.