Autor Wątek: Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?  (Przeczytany 32248 razy)


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Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?
« dnia: Maja 07, 2006, 07:01:25 pm »
Hi all, I'm trying to find out how many Trurl and Klapaucius stories there are in addition to the ones in the Cyberiad.

There's the long story "Kobyszcze" (1971, translated to English as "In hot pursuit of happiness" in the anthology "View from Another Shore", ed. Franz Rottensteiner, Seabury Press 0-8164-9151-8, 1973). The German translation of this story is called "Experimenta Felicitologica".

By the way, what does "kobyszcze" mean? It looks like a plural form (?), but I don't read Polish, I can't find kobysz* in web dictionaries and the German translator too seems to have opted for Latin.

Then I have found the long stories "Edukacja Cyfrania" (1976, "Ziffranio's Erziehung" in German) as well as "Powtórka" (1979, "Die Wiederholung" in German). It seems like neither of these two have been translated into English.

Are there any other Trurl and Klapaucius stories around?
Please mention if they are available in English, German or French.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maja 07, 2006, 07:03:31 pm wysłana przez ssipila »


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Re: Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Maja 07, 2006, 07:20:46 pm »
hi, about "kobyszcze"

It is not a plural form for sure. This is a neologism, and I can't find another similarity than to "kobyła (kobyla)" what means in a disregarding manner "horse, mare" - adjactives which i connect to "kobyla" are: old, dull. There is also a polish proverb "smieje się, jak kobyla do owsa" what means: one is laughing like a "kobyla" at oats - it's for somebody, who is laughing with no reason. Word-ending "szcze" is archaic and means, that something is bigger than usually.

So "kobyszcze" is a big, dull thing, which is happy without a reason.

Of coure if we assume, that somebody who laughs is happy.

This is my point of view on the word "kobyszcze"  ;D
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maja 08, 2006, 07:27:44 pm wysłana przez maziek »
Człowiek całe życie próbuje nie wychodzić na większego idiotę niż nim faktycznie jest - i przeważnie to mu się nie udaje (moje, z życia).


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Re: Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Maja 07, 2006, 10:03:36 pm »
Other Trurl and Klapaucius stories:

"Bajka o trzech maszynach opowiadajacych krola Genialona"1967 ("Tale of three machines-storytellers of king Genialon" as I can translate)

"Altruizyna, czyli Opowiesc prawdziwa o tym, jak pustelnik Dobrycy Kosmos uszczesliwic zapragnal i co z tego wnyklo" 1965 ("Altruizin, or truthful story about hermit Dobrycy, who wanted to make Cosmos happy, and what came out")

These stories were added to the Cyberiad too, but I don't know are they available in English,German and French.  


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Odp: Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Lutego 05, 2022, 03:21:25 pm »

By the way, what does "kobyszcze" mean? It looks like a plural form (?), but I don't read Polish, I can't find kobysz* in web dictionaries and the German translator too seems to have opted for Latin.

The name given by Lem is created as an abbreviation from three words

KO    - kontemplator - someone who contemplates
BY.     - bytu  - BYT means being, existence
SZCZĘ - szczęsny - it is like lucky but more Merry 
So it is someone or a creature that contemplates his/her/it's happy existence