Autor Wątek: X-mas  (Przeczytany 19398 razy)


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« dnia: Grudnia 24, 2019, 03:15:40 pm »
Merry Christmas, but not necessarily this Christmas which, according to the old pagan tradition, ‎is celebrated on December 25, i.e. on the day of the holiday Natalis Invicti appointed for that ‎day by the Roman emperor Aurelian in honour of a deity called Sol Invictus or the Invincible ‎Sun, and which have recently been completely commercialized, unfortunately also in Poland. I ‎would also like to remind you that this holiday is celebrated on the winter solstice day, which is ‎the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the longest on the southern. It is the ‎day when the sun dominates at the zenith on the tropic of Capricorn. It is currently taking place ‎on December 21 or 22 (this year 22, last and next 21). In the ancient Rome, Saturnalia were ‎celebrated at that time (a feast in honour of the agriculture god Saturn), in Persia - the birth of ‎Mithra (deity of the Sun), among the Germanic peoples it was Jul, and in the Slavs - Święto ‎Godowe (Koliada) holiday, celebrating the winter solstice and preceded by a Szczodry Wieczór ‎‎(Generous Evening). The victory of light over darkness symbolizes the time when the day begins ‎to arrive and the night decreases - thus bringing hope, optimism and joy to people. In Slavs, the ‎Szczodre (Generous) Festivities mark the beginning of a new solar and ritual year and last even ‎several days. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, this holiday is known as Krachun, in Russia ‎Koljada-Kolęda (in different versions of the name) and in Poland - Kolęda. The period of ‎Generous Festivities was also accompanied by the custom of carolling, which was originally ‎associated with joyful New Year songs and Turoń, which is derived from the Slavic tradition, ‎which symbolized the revival of the earth. On the Generous Evening, the children received small ‎gifts and nuts, apples and special pies called szczodraki in shape of animals or dolls. In the Slavs, ‎the winter solstice was also devoted to the souls of deceased ancestors. To allow the souls of the ‎dead to warm up, bonfires were burned in cemeteries and ritual feasts were organized, which ‎they later were moved to homes. An additional cover for the ghosts of ancestors at the Christmas ‎Eve table also echoed this custom. Because at the beginning of our era this solstice fell on ‎December 25, according to the Julian calendar, so after Christmas displaced the traditional ‎beliefs of Slavs, the Roman church still celebrates Christmas on December 25, but the Orthodox ‎church celebrates it as the Rożdiestwo Christowo (Рождество Христово) in January - this ‎‎“church” year it will be January 7, as the Orthodox Christians have a different liturgical calendar ‎than the Western Christians.‎