Hi xpil:
Nice to know there would be at least one buyer, even though not one whose favorite work it was

Seriously, I appreciate your sincere perspective. Everyone's taste is different, and I agree this project would require someone who, as you say, is affectionate to the material. That would certainly include myself, if only I knew any Polish at all, which unfortunately I don't. That said, I am fond of Poland (even without ever having visited), so maybe now is the time for me to learn the language and of course come for a visit! Any suggestions on good sources for English, German or French speakers to learn Polish? I am fluent in all three.
Back to seriousness again, I am so convinced this is a very important work the world needs to know more of, if no genuine Polish-to-English translator emerges, may just start privately working from my German copy which, as I say is itself quite superb. Then, maybe with someone who is fluent in Polish but weaker in English, the project could actually be completed in a decent way, and maybe even with some enjoyment that comes with collaboration. I know from some much smaller German-to-English translation efforts I've worked on, that such work can be excruciatingly tedious, so sharing the burden would be very nice - also because it could help uncover how well done that 1980 German version really is. It must be pretty decent, since Lem liked it enough to add his own after-word.
In any case my "affection" for this work is such that in addition to obviously hoping to generate interest here, also would be glad to contribute whatever I personally can.
On another note, does anybody know how active Lem's estate is in promoting efforts such as this to bring wider exposure to his work? So far my inquiry via the web messaging system has yielded no response, and the email address rights@lem.pl appears to be broken. Perhaps I should try emailing solaris.lem.pl instead?
EDIT: Just received this reply from rights@lem.pl:
thank you for your e-mail. There have been several attempts to publish "Dialogi" in English, most publishers consider this title to be too difficult. We keep on trying and there is a chance that this volume will appear in English in the coming years.
So I guess they are actively engaged in this effort, which is nice to know!