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Pokaż wątki - Clapaucius

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Forum in English / Lem as a philosof
« dnia: Października 20, 2004, 02:43:55 pm »
I read and study St. Lem  for almost 25 years. And It is interesting for me to collect or,  if to be more exact,  to define the main Lem's philosofical problems, lines and ideas.
Here they are:
1) Intellect and personality.
The main Lem's problem, which is passes in different variations through almost every Lem's book like a red line.
a)What is "another intellect"?
Is it possible or it is a mental experiment only?
What can be a kind or degree of "anotherness"?
Can it be understood?
Can it be descripted?
What is higher intellect?
If it has some common basis with human mind, can we descript somehow or, at least, imagine any mind structure, which cannot be never understood  by

2) What is personality?
Can any person be copied and retronslated
Is nonhuman personality possible, and can we

Strony: [1]