Well ssipila, here it is, a bunch of wordplys of "edukacja cyfrania"
Cyfranio is composed of cyfra (digit) and Franio (diminutive of Francisk for a small child)
cyberak, cyberyba - both composed od cyber-netic and rak (crayfish) or ryba (fish)
maszynak - its like a zwierzak (pet) - funny about zwierze (animal), but maszyna (machine) is in the place of an animal
maślak (maslak - not sure You are able to see Polish letters) - made of butter (about biotic organizm),
jełczak (jelczak - not sure You are able to see Polish letters) - nearl the same as maslak - jelczec is a verb that means what happens to butter, when it is too long out of fridge (not melt but rank, rancid, go off)
chandroid - it is a meteorite chondryt (chondrit), but it is chandra (funk, bad mood, CHandra pronounce like a Hammond, not like a CHandler)) in the place of chondrit, or it could be an android (robot) with chandra (funk, etc.) - sad robot
maśliciel (masliciel without Polish letters) - well really good one, it is myśliciel (mysliciel) - the thinking man, thinker, but it is masło (maslo) - butter in the place of myśl (mysl) - thougt, so perhaps he thinks rather slowly...
When the first re-frozen came to the place where he thought he would be able to play drum, he landed in Baństwo (Banstwo) - state. Because it was all about the music , all non-vibrant sounds in words where changed to vibrant. I'm sorry perhaps I don' use correct words to express what I think, but the sound of letter "B" is vibrant, and "P" nonvibrant - and C-S, G-K, etc are in couples - the sound is nearly the same but in one case vibrant, and nonvibrant in the second.
So we have Gról (Grol) what is Król (Krol) - the King (Ging - doesn't it sound much more like a music

Baństwo (Banstwo) is made of Państwo (Panstwo) - the State
and - my favourite - Bolicja - made of Policja - Police. This one is really good, because boli- means ache

and - about musicians - dętyści (detysci, detysta in singular) - made of dentists. Really funny, dęty (dety) means an instrument like trumpet (like in the brass band), detysta is a neologism - means a man who performs on such an instrument, but it is so close to dentysta (dentist) - so it was such a performance, that everybody has a toothache...
Well, I've made the first refrozen story till now...