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Wiadomości - affidavit.donda

Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Re: Pictures of Solaris
« dnia: Lutego 01, 2007, 09:03:05 pm »
This one is also stunning:

Forum in English / Re: Pictures of Solaris
« dnia: Stycznia 16, 2007, 12:27:11 am »
My website have now a english version available (and I also add few new pictures).


Fantastic pictures, indeed. I must say I thought about The Ocean as of much darker and much slimier, but I guess your pictures can't be really slimy as they show Him in a much broader view and in a greater scale.

Also the mimoïdes (I love them with the ï with two dots) in my mind were creating much less ideal objects. Nevertheless, I do love your creations and I would love to see them in a motion picture...

Looking forward for more from you!!!

Take care,


Strony: [1]