Autor Wątek: THE STAR DIARIES As Adapted into a Series of Short Films  (Przeczytany 20850 razy)

Dragon of Improbability

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THE STAR DIARIES As Adapted into a Series of Short Films
« dnia: Kwietnia 26, 2011, 07:03:21 pm »
While it would be interesting to see THE STAR DIARIES adapted into a full length movie, personally, I would rather prefer THE STAR DIARIES being adapted into an avante-garde Polish  series of short films, or long films, kind of like THE DECOLOGUE (a series of ten film which I need to see at some point). I would also want to prefer to do a straight adaptation, because Lem deserves an adaptation that directly translates his science-fiction to film. On the other particulars would require some more imagination. What do you think, Lem fans?


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Re: THE STAR DIARIES As Adapted into a Series of Short Films
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Kwietnia 27, 2011, 01:06:35 am »
Dream on, that's what I think:)
"Dekalog" is a masterpiece, but Kieslowski died and that's as far as you'll get into following his style. "Diaries" were adapted by the Germans some few years ago, it was a rather lausy series, have you seen it? Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot, or sth.

On the other hand, if you mean serious films (as Decalogue parts are), I guess that could be hard just as well with Diaries. They're not entirely serious (as far as mood is considered, I mean). Au contraire, they're rather jolly sometimes. But sure, we can dream somebody tries:)

Well, instead of dreaming, I, personally, can be happier because:
-I have seen Decalogue billion times:)
-"Mask" has been adapted, and "Futurological Congress" and "Memoirs Found in a Baththub" are underway.

So, the future definitely has something in store for Lem fans.