Dream on, that's what I think:)
"Dekalog" is a masterpiece, but Kieslowski died and that's as far as you'll get into following his style. "Diaries" were adapted by the Germans some few years ago, it was a rather lausy series, have you seen it? Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot, or sth.
On the other hand, if you mean serious films (as Decalogue parts are), I guess that could be hard just as well with Diaries. They're not entirely serious (as far as mood is considered, I mean). Au contraire, they're rather jolly sometimes. But sure, we can dream somebody tries:)
Well, instead of dreaming, I, personally, can be happier because:
-I have seen Decalogue billion times:)
-"Mask" has been adapted, and "Futurological Congress" and "Memoirs Found in a Baththub" are underway.
So, the future definitely has something in store for Lem fans.