Yeah, a pity about the editors, but hey, it's a labour of love to translate (at least for me). I know a few fluent spanish-polish speakers, who've learned polish as a second language, so it's not entirely impossible. But you will need a serious drive to do it as the grammar rules and tenses are quite brutal in Polish. On the other hand, by learning Polish you will be exposed to a vast wealth of amazing literature (both SF and not - Sienkiewicz, Gombrowicz, others). As well, you will find yourself understanding much of Russian, Chech and even Croatian, as the languages are all very similar (which means you'll have no problem learning them, and which therefore means that you'll be exposed to a part of the world which is quite unlike any other on our globe). Think of the benefits, and think of the drawbacks - perhaps a year of study to reap the benefits of multilingualism and to gain an understanding of Poles and Slavs altogether.
Good luck,