In mathematics, one can easily answer a question like ,,does there exist a greatest prime number?'' and his/her free will has nothing to do with it.
I regret to say we have no snow in Poland yet... but...
But where do prime numbers come from, or any number for that matter?
Mathematics is wholly a human construct. Numbers only exist in the mind.
Mathematicians construct maps of the territory, but the maps are not the territory.
The are simply images in the mind.
You say you regret you have no snow as yet. I take it you are a skier? Skiers are the only people I know who regret not having snow!
It would not bother me if it never snowed around here. I am currently living in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the US, and we only get a few feet a year at the most. Sometimes not even that much. I gave up skiing 35 years ago; not that I ever did much of it anyway.
You like snow. I do not. Choices.
Our choices make us who we are. The main character in Solaris was forced to reflect on the choices he made that changed him into the person he had become. He was given the opportunity to change those choices, change himself, and change his reality.
Through Solaris, Lem is telling us if we do not like the person we have become we have the choice to change that person, and change our reality.
Poly-Solipsism tells us the same thing. Our reality is created by our choices. If we do not like our present reality we can change it by making new choices.
We do not have to settle for only what others have to offer. The characters in Solaris argued over what was the right thing to do. They each made different choices. They each chose a different reality.
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am Stanislaw Lem was telling the story of Poly-Solipsism and The Singularity. Not that I think for one moment he ever read or even heard of Poly-Solipsism or of myself. I just believe we both independently became aware of the same concept.
What I do not know is whether the story of Solaris is actually his philosophy, or just a story, but from what I have been reading about Lem, his works of fiction are always based around his reality. I would dearly love to compare notes with Lem over our mutual understanding of this illusion of reality. Especially the similarities between Solaris and The Singularity. The movie does not really say much about Solaris itself, everything is implied. Which is pretty much all we can imply about The Singularity. We cannot actually know anything about it because The Singularity is all Potential.
Yes, I have read else where, and have been told on this forum Lem does not own a computer. Guess what, I don't believe that for a minute. He is too intelligent not to take advantage of all the Internet has to offer. If he does not actually own one himself, I am sure he has a computer at his disposal.
There is at least a little vanity in all of us. And what creative artist can resist listening in on what his fans and detractors are saying about him!
I have no doubt Lem is here!