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Wiadomości - Peyman

Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Dear Prohor
« dnia: Sierpnia 16, 2004, 01:40:26 pm »
Sure. You can translate this interview to Russian. Please inform me when your translation became completed.

Forum in English / Dear Ritch
« dnia: Sierpnia 15, 2004, 09:38:15 am »
Sorry for this delay. I am a correspondent of a reputable newspaper in Iran (sharg newspaper). As you see I am Iranian and this interview has been published in Persian.

Forum in English / My Interview With Stanislaw Lem
« dnia: Sierpnia 01, 2004, 08:27:26 am »
I have done an Interview with stanislaw lem for Shargh daily news paper in July . I would be so grateful if I have your comments about  my interview.

you can read the interview via this link:

Strony: [1]