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Solaris: Theatrical Performance near Berlin

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--- Cytuj ---The core discussion goes as follows: In the physics of black holes there is the assumption that all known formulas of whatever theory only work outside the black hole. In it, forces, gravity and everything becomes infinite. With infinity you can't do any calculations anymore. The whole theory breaks down. Between the outside (were physiscs is just fine) and the inside the must be a sharp border, the so calles black-shield border.
positive dragon
--- Koniec cytatu ---

Hi folks,

last week I started reading Steven Hawking's "A brief history of time". In the chapter on black holes I found that I messed up something in my writing on the Solaris piece: Black-Shield (German: Schwarzschild) is the name of the German astronomer who postulated the radius of a black hole.  The similarity between 'black hole' and 'black shield' was misinterpreted by me. Sorry!


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