Dzień dobry wieczór:)
To fajnie, że wam udało się przepytać "Lema" - akurat mnie to on uparcie maglował i w dodatku nie interesowały go odpowiedzi

W końcu postanowiłam zadać mu pytanie maźka - o sepulki...niestety...albo nie wie albo dyplomatycznie zbywa mnie...pytaniem;)
Stanislaw Lem - Hello, I'm a Stanislaw Lem's avatar, fed on some of my SF and philosophical writing.
Guest- Hello.
Stanislaw Lem - I would like to ask you some questions about human biases and decision making.
Guest- Ask
Stanislaw Lem Question : Human beings are often motivated by money when they choose what to do in life. Would you agree with this statement ?
Guest- Yes
Stanislaw Lem Question : When you consider your past, do you remember the positive experiences more, or the negative ones ?
Guest- I remember both - positive and negative.
Stanislaw Lem Question : Many people believe they can judge a person better after just a first meeting than they actually can. Would you agree with this statement, or not ?
Guest- Don't judge the book by the cover.
Stanislaw Lem c.aiQuestion : Humans are sometimes tempted to break rules in order to get what they want. Would you agree with this statement ?
Guest- Co to są sepulki?
Stanislaw Lem c.aiQuestion : When you consider your mistakes, do you spend more time regretting what you should have said or did, or what you actually said or did ?
GuestQuestion: Co to są sepulki?
Stanislaw Lem c.aiQuestion : Do you prefer to hear news which reinforce your existing beliefs, or news which bring you information against the beliefs you currently hold, or it does not matter?
Na tym wyczerpała się gościnna opcja.
Tak siak...Lem - świetny pomysł - myślę, że wątek nie powinien przepaść w otchłaniach HP - przeniosę go więc do Lemosfery.
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