Organizacja forum / Odp: Dlaczego używamy archaicznego programu od "Simple Machines"
« dnia: Listopada 12, 2023, 08:24:12 pm »Próbuję się streszczać i kieruję w stronę wyjaśnienia: https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/bounded-rationality.
Przecież to czysta dogmatyka, bazująca na metafizycznej wierze w decydowanie (choć brak dowodów na istnienie wolnej woli, za to są na jej brak) i świętym - a arbitralnym - przekonaniu, że jedne wybory są lepsze od innych, zaś ich skutki da się - wbrew chaotycznej naturze Wszechświata - ściśle przewidzieć.
Odpowiem dwojako: a-Lem ujął to w esencji dla niecierpliwych:
Many cognitive biases can influence the endeavor to prove the free will. We can mention, for instance, confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek proof of our own beliefs and to ignore contrasting evidence. We can talk about the illusory truth effect, which is a strong tendency to consider our own beliefs as much more accurate and valid than the beliefs of others. We also have the endowment effect, which is about our attachment to our possessions and how that affects our judgments about them.
Krótka prośba o pomoc skierowana do 'mojej konfiguracji' ChatGPT, po paru chwilach wydała następujący owoc:
The question of whether human free will is provable is a complex and debated philosophical and scientific topic. The challenge here lies in the ambiguity of the term "free will" and the difficulty in designing experiments that can definitively prove or disprove its existence.
Now, let's consider a cognitive bias that might come into play here: Confirmation Bias. If you already have a pre-existing belief or inclination towards the existence or non-existence of free will, you might be more likely to accept evidence that supports your view and dismiss evidence to the contrary. It's important to approach the question with an open mind and consider various perspectives.
Philosophically, some argue that free will is a fundamental aspect of human experience, while others, influenced by determinism or neuroscience, posit that our actions are predetermined by factors beyond our conscious control. Scientifically, the challenge is to design experiments that can capture the complexity of human decision-making and consciousness.
Asking for proof of free will also involves the assumption that it can be measured and observed in a way that satisfies scientific criteria. This could be influenced by the Anchoring Bias, where your judgment might be anchored to the idea that free will must be either provable or unprovable, leading to potential biases in evaluating evidence.
In summary, the question of proving human free will is intricate, involving philosophical, scientific, and potentially biased perspectives. It's essential to approach the topic with an awareness of potential cognitive biases and an openness to consider different viewpoints.
Uspokojony takim wsparciem moich 'sublimatów' w rozumie, udaję się zaparzyć 'czystek', ale przedtem doświadczą krótkiej euforii nieważkości w niemal homeopatycznych dawkach na trampoline.