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Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Lipca 07, 2005, 11:33:39 pm »
Of course 99% of religion is bad and no origins are pure. But that doesn't mean some of the statements are good, thought by very good, wise people.
You say religion doesn't evolve? I think the reason why it is a pitfall is because it evolves, it should be simple and never change. If there were only the ten commandments, it would be enough. What else can you add, remove from that? Moses was one of the wisest men ever. His ten commandments have the same meaning now and 3000 years ago. No bull**** like killing goats and wearing funny hats. That does not server the purpose of a religion. It should be simple.Poly-solipsism lets you believe in whatever you want, but you will be your own judge. That's a tough judge :).

Forum in English / t
« dnia: Lipca 07, 2005, 02:21:19 am »
I'm going to write for poly-solipsism, great work cckeiser!
The fun part about this is that you can believe that poly-solipsism is not true but poly-solipsism accepts that as truth too.
It was mentioned that poly-solipsism is similar to buddhism, well it is also similar to christianity. It says on your poly-solipsism page that if you believe in heaven you will finally get there. That is exactly how it is in christianity (maybe even in other "old testament religions"), you can only enter heaven if you want to get there. Even if you were a serious sinner, if you finally regret that and state that you want to be in heaven you will enter it.
Poly-solipsism gives many answers and is a part of many concepts and religious trends. That's why I find it intriguing.

Lemosfera / Re: Przepraszam, gdzie Lem to powiedział?
« dnia: Kwietnia 25, 2005, 08:31:39 pm »
Bodajze "Wizja Lokalna"? Nie jestem pewien. Cytowal to jako Prawo Lema.

Strony: [1]