Forum in English / Re: Trurl & Klapaucius - full list of stories?
« dnia: Maja 07, 2006, 07:20:46 pm »
hi, about "kobyszcze"
It is not a plural form for sure. This is a neologism, and I can't find another similarity than to "kobyła (kobyla)" what means in a disregarding manner "horse, mare" - adjactives which i connect to "kobyla" are: old, dull. There is also a polish proverb "smieje się, jak kobyla do owsa" what means: one is laughing like a "kobyla" at oats - it's for somebody, who is laughing with no reason. Word-ending "szcze" is archaic and means, that something is bigger than usually.
So "kobyszcze" is a big, dull thing, which is happy without a reason.
Of coure if we assume, that somebody who laughs is happy.
This is my point of view on the word "kobyszcze"
It is not a plural form for sure. This is a neologism, and I can't find another similarity than to "kobyła (kobyla)" what means in a disregarding manner "horse, mare" - adjactives which i connect to "kobyla" are: old, dull. There is also a polish proverb "smieje się, jak kobyla do owsa" what means: one is laughing like a "kobyla" at oats - it's for somebody, who is laughing with no reason. Word-ending "szcze" is archaic and means, that something is bigger than usually.
So "kobyszcze" is a big, dull thing, which is happy without a reason.
Of coure if we assume, that somebody who laughs is happy.
This is my point of view on the word "kobyszcze"