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Pictures of Solaris
To create the formations of the ocean I use a software called AMORPHIUM, it allow to manipulate and twist virtual objects like clay. I set them into scenes created with VUE D'ESPRIT, a worlds creating software (like BRICE) and I retouche the pictures with COREL PHOTOPAINT (a PHOTOSHOP like Software). I use a WACOM graphic tablet for this. I notably rectify incorrect joins between objects and I added also certain details such as fringes scalloped by the longus, the exgrowths between the mimoïde and the helicopter or the trunks extremities of the agilus. The symetriade part 1 and 2 are not CGI, I painted them entirely with the graphic tablet in COREL PHOTOPAINT because I am not enough skilled in CGI mastery (for the moment) to allow me to model directly a thing of a such complexity. I start to work on a preparatory sketch and I then integrated the image into a CGI backgrounds.
For the size of this pictures, they are around 30x30 cm for square pictures (symetriade) and 27x36 cm for others. All are in 300 dpi.
Le roman mean the novel in french.
I registered to answer the opening post, the pictures are stunning, I have been looking for 3D graphics of Solaris for a long time. Congrats! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
I was wainting myself for pictures of Solaris and I was full of hope for the 2002's movie... until I watch it. I was very, very disapointed. Soderbergh have get out the ocean for the profit of a silly love story and it's a great shame. This is definitely not Solaris ! >:( So, I began to made pictures for myself and I want afterward to share them with other peoples.
My website have now a english version available (and I also add few new pictures). You can acced to it here :
[size=14]I wish to all of you a happy new year 2007[/size].[/b]
--- Cytuj ---My website have now a english version available (and I also add few new pictures).
--- Koniec cytatu ---
Fantastic pictures, indeed. I must say I thought about The Ocean as of much darker and much slimier, but I guess your pictures can't be really slimy as they show Him in a much broader view and in a greater scale.
Also the mimoïdes (I love them with the ï with two dots) in my mind were creating much less ideal objects. Nevertheless, I do love your creations and I would love to see them in a motion picture...
Looking forward for more from you!!!
Take care,
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