Polski > Akademia Lemologiczna
Akademia Lemologiczna [Astronauci]
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Lemolog linkował już bonusiki z AAN - tutaj są
Fragmenty opinii którą przepisałem są na stronie 26
Odrobina tła historycznego, na marginesie dziejów dziadka Roberta Smitha:
Ilustracyjnie: maszyna ustroju społecznego, kapitalizmu*:
* Okiem pana, który na tej maszynie całkiem daleko zajechał:
Wrócę do tematu topienia lodów arktycznych. Wtedy to była popularna, i serio rozważana, idea:
The idea of melting the Arctic ice cap goes back at to 1877 when Harvard geologist Nathaniel Shaler proposed channeling more of the warm Kuroshio Current through the Bering Strait. Carroll Livingston Riker in 1912 proposed using a 200 mile jetty off Newfoundland to divert more of the Gulf Stream to the Arctic Basin. Julian Huxley while he was head of UNESCO proposed, in 1946, to use nuclear weapons to break up the Arctic ice cap. Borisov in his article lists the more recently suggested methods for melting the Arctic ice cap.
* Covering great areas of the Arctic with black powders such as coal dust (G. Veksler, 1959)
* Dispersing the cloud cover over the central Arctic Basin (D. Fletcher, 1958)
* Deepening of the Thomson Sill (V.N. Stepanov, 1963)
* Covering the water surface with a monomolecular film (M. Budyko, 1962)
* Installations to direct warmer Atlantic water into the Kara Sea (V.P. P'yankov, 1965)
* Pumping cold Arctic water into the Pacific to draw warm Atlantic water into the Arctic Basin (P.M. Borisov, c. 1968)
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