God is Karma
Karma is God
We are God
In a way, Your karma theory is a religious system, similar to buddism.
It is, in fact, buddism. It is not fortunate to call buddism a religion,
as it doesn't include certain dogmats (like God).
Your theory differs from buddism, becouse buddists don't trouble
theirselves with the question of God. You have to admit yourself, that
IF God is Karma, Karma is God, We are God, THEN ,,we are Karma" tells us
as much as ,,we are God''. So God becomes just another name for
,,Karma'' and as it is so, it is just unnecesary to use the word God.
But on the other hand, if ,,Karma is God'' than we can as well forget
about Karma and consider only God.
You said for yourself, that ''We are karma" and that some ,,part'' (or
quantity) of Karma dwells within everyone of us.
That's brilliant, but consider this. Everyone who prefers the word
,,God'' to word ,,Karma'' will tell You, that God is everything, and in
every being and thing ther is something godlike. In a human it is a
soul, because a soul (as western religions consider it) is a part of God
that lives in every human.
So you see, that telling ,,karma is in us'' is as good as ,,God is in
us, as our soul''.
There is of course the truth, that both this statements are beatiful and
both can be believed in. But the don't differ that much.
I have no doubt that as a German person you were raised among the
Christians, and this is the cause you are talking about ,,God'' and
,,soul''. Someone who lives in, for example, in Tibet, may never have heard a word ,,God'' before but is thinking just the same as You.
That is also a beatifull thing.
There is also a sort of misticism in Your system. You think that Universe is empty (phisically) filled only with Karma (need I remind the words of the christian Bible: The universe was empty, and the spirit of god was filling it... (or similar)). And You admit that You don't understand the Universe: You hope it will sometimes be known what it is.
And so do the worshippers of many religions. The claim that ,,God is a great unknown'' (Chrisitians) or that the ,,human is unknown for God'' (Muslims) or that the world cannot be fully explained - and there is no need for it to be explained
After all, I want to salute You, and send You congratulations for being so intelectually/religiously active at the age of 17.
I will just add: the religious systems are very similar. Isomorphic, it could be said.