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Wiadomości - Socrates

Strony: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Forum in English / Re: any meaning to character names?
« dnia: Sierpnia 17, 2005, 05:57:49 am »
Very simple reply.  A partial translation by yours truly of the introduction to the Star Diaries:

..."Concerning the eighth voyage, a group of Tichologists - psychoanalytics have verified - just before the printing of this edition - all the particulars that happened in Ion Tichy's dream***.  The interested reader will find in Doctor Hopfstosser's work a comparative bibliography showing the influence of dreams of such people as Isaac Newton or the Borgias on the dreams of Tichy, and vice-versa.  
     This edition does not, however, include the twenty-sixth voyage, which was deemed apocryphal.  It was proved so by the members of our institute, who gave the texts an electron compatibility analysis, and found it a fake ****.  It should be added that I have for a long time considered the so-called "twenty-sixth voyage" an apocryph because of the apparent mistakes in the script, especially concerning the Odolegows (and not Odelegows, as in the text), and also the Meopsers, Muciochs, and the species Powoluw (Phlegmus Invariabilis Hopfstoseri)...."

Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: any meaning to character names?
« dnia: Sierpnia 12, 2005, 02:11:05 am »
Yes, it's a pity about Solaris.  What gets me the most is the first time Kris wants to kill Harey - when he tries to bend her backwards and tie up her hands - the current English translation confuses the actions of both people and what Kris does in the original Polish version is now done by Harey herself.  How I loathe that version...
But, Kandel is a master translator, and I respect him well.  Of all the translators I studied, only the guy who translated Zemsta (since it's in verse, not prose) had a smoother and more on-target transition.  
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: any meaning to character names?
« dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2005, 09:31:18 pm »
Excerpt from an old translation of Voage the 8th, "the Star Diaries".  As you can see, even the lesser-known characters have meaning in their names.

“According to accepted systematic, the abnormal forms in our Galaxy include the type Abberantia (Perverters), which is divided into the subtypes Debilitales  (Cretiners) and Antisapientitales (Unresonables).  To this last subtype belong the groups Canaliacaea (Perniciouers) and Necroludentia (Corpselikers).  Amongst the Corpselikers we distinguish in turn the Patricidiaceae (Fatherslayers), Matriphagideae (Mothereaters) and Lasciviaceae (Uglyers, or Wshiteks).  Uglyers, forms which are truly demented, we classify by splitting into Cretininae (Dumbers, such as Cadeverium Morodaz  (Deadbiter Confuser)) and Horrisimae (Griffiners, with the classic example in the guise of Retardus Uprighter, the Idiontus Erectus Gzeemsi).  Some of the Griffiners create their own subcultures; to them belong such species as Anusphilus Belligerens (Bullying Assliker) which calls himself Genius Pulcherrimus Mundanus, or, like this exotic hairless specimen, observed by Grammplus in the furthest corner of our Galaxy, Mostroteratum Furiosum (Furiotic Despicabler), who calls himself Homo Sapiens.”

Cheers, Socrates

DyLEMaty / Re: Wybierzmy najlepszego
« dnia: Lipca 26, 2005, 11:37:18 am »


Forum in English / Re: "Win a book autographed by Stanislaw Lem&
« dnia: Maja 28, 2005, 08:21:17 pm »
Yeah, a pity about the editors, but hey, it's a labour of love to translate (at least for me).  I know a few fluent spanish-polish speakers, who've learned polish as a second language, so it's not entirely impossible.  But you will need a serious drive to do it as the grammar rules and tenses  are quite brutal in Polish.  On the other hand, by learning Polish you will be exposed to a vast wealth of amazing literature (both SF and not - Sienkiewicz, Gombrowicz, others).  As well, you will find yourself understanding much of Russian, Chech and even Croatian, as the languages are all very similar (which means you'll have no problem learning them, and which therefore means that you'll be exposed to a part of the world which is quite unlike any other on our globe).  Think of the benefits, and think of the drawbacks - perhaps a year of study to reap the benefits of multilingualism and to gain an understanding of Poles and Slavs altogether.  
Good luck,

Forum in English / Re: Age of Harey
« dnia: Maja 28, 2005, 07:44:18 pm »
Greetings to all.  What with vacations and constant work I almost wholly abandoned the internet and its goodies (at least for pleasure).  But then again this is Lem's forum, and thinking about Lem is not a "fun" thing, but rather more of a duty every person has towards life and literature...
I'm sure it was simply an oversight on Lem's part as well, especially considering that Lem wrote the book in like only a couple of months (was it two or three?)
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: Age of Harey
« dnia: Maja 28, 2005, 10:19:53 am »
I distinctively remember somone asking these same questions on the old forum some years ago - I remember that the consensus was that her age must have been around 19 as well, and that it was indeed quite strange that she was so young since Kris apparently lived with her for yeas ("...jak sie z kims mieszka latami...").  I too was rather perplexed by this but hey, live and let live is my motto.
Cheers, Socrates

DyLEMaty / Odp: Filmy SF warte i nie warte obejrzenia
« dnia: Kwietnia 02, 2005, 07:31:03 am »
Dark City jest jedynym filmem ktory ma akcje tak wartka ze od poczatku do konca nie ma ani jednego stopu.  Bardzo polecam.

Hyde Park / Re: moze nie na temat..
« dnia: Marca 16, 2005, 07:31:32 am »
na fortepian mnie kurcze nie stac...

Hyde Park / Re: moze nie na temat..
« dnia: Marca 15, 2005, 03:47:23 am »
The Doors, Enigma, Rammstein,  troche kompozycji przyjaciol mixerow.  A z powaznej to Szopena na wlasnym keyboardzie, Rachmaninowa i Beethowena.

DyLEMaty / Re: Najgorsze w SF
« dnia: Marca 14, 2005, 08:48:15 am »
Orson Scott Card.  Totalny idiota.  Przeczytalem 3 ksziazki, pierwsza z niewiedzy, druga z niedowierzenia, i trzecia zeby sie upewnic.  Gosc ma troche ciekawych pomyslow (ktore i tak zostaly zerzniete od innych), ale niestety nie grzeszy inteligencja.  Jak nie wierzycie, przeczytajcie "Ender's Game".


DyLEMaty / Re: Zimna fuzja
« dnia: Lutego 23, 2005, 01:56:46 am »
Nie ma to nic wspolnego z Cold Fusion, ale wlasnie bylem w Sudbury Neutrion Observatory (SNO) (w weekend) i dowiedzialem sie mase zeczy o ciekawej fizyce.  Znajdziecie SNO na yahoo i poczytajcie; super ciekawe.


DyLEMaty / Re: wirusy beda grozne dla cyborgow
« dnia: Lutego 23, 2005, 01:52:17 am »
Slyszal cos ktos o wirusach ktore atakuja telefony komorkowe?  Co dalej?  Mikrofalowki?


DyLEMaty / Odp: Filmy SF warte i nie warte obejrzenia
« dnia: Lutego 23, 2005, 01:50:40 am »
He he he,
widzialem "Attack of the Killer tomatoes"...wiesz jak strasznie sie mozna czuc jak sie taki pomidor zaczyna toczyc w twoja strone...?

Predator to klasyk, ale nie mysle ze jest swietnym filmem.

A jesli chodzi o Anime, to widzialem tylko Akire i Metropolis.  Obydwa swietne.


DyLEMaty / Odp: Filmy SF warte i nie warte obejrzenia
« dnia: Lutego 11, 2005, 09:17:30 pm »
Jak ci sie Metropolis podobal, to obejzyj sobie tez "Dr. Mabiuse, the gambler" Langa.  Po prostu swietny.


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