Of course. But do you know that English language translation of this journey was censored in the West? Probably by the religious censors...
It was the Twenty-second Voyage (1954) in which Tichy learns from the Andrygonian pupils that life on Earth is impossible and later meets father Lacymon who tells him about various problems encountered by the Christian (Roman-Catholic) missionaries on the alien worlds. Few last pages of "The Twenty-second Voyage" have been omitted in the English translation, most likely because of their controversial, anti-clerical and anti-American subject, which could offend some American readers (for example those in the so-called `Bible Belt' in the Southern USA, where Darwin's theory of evolution is still fiercely fought by the creationists). See also Liro's Stanislaw Lem in Translation in The Polish Review vol. XXXVII No. 1 of 1992 pp. 63-65.
And remeber, that the Prostestant Church was not better. Kalvin made Geneva a real hell. And remember witch hunts in the US. There was a quite good movie on this subject...
Kagan, King of Khazars
Read Star Diaries where Tchiy talks with a priest who sticked a half of his star map with paper where the civilizations developed and religion disappeared.
Know that strong people do not believe in god they believe in themselves,and in other people and their wit.
Lem despised the religion,he realized that it is a step back.
Catholic church is such an organization which used to burn all the unfitting people.The same could be said about former communist`s party .