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Pokaż wątki - negative_dragon

Strony: [1]
Forum in English / Solaris: Theatrical Performance near Berlin
« dnia: Sierpnia 24, 2004, 10:31:10 am »
Hi folks,

I just read that there will be a theatrical performance of Solaris on an airfield in a German village not far from the Polish border. Details in German and Polish are here:


Not sure if I can go there. It's about 200 km from my place.
If somebody should go there I'd like some impressions here.

Forum in English / Book Cover for Solaris
« dnia: Maja 23, 2004, 11:37:41 pm »
Hi folks,

I created a book cover for Solaris and now I'd like to learn what you think about it. I checked the cover galery of lem.pl if someone else had a similar idea before but it seems to be new. Here we go:


Strony: [1]