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Wiadomości - Socrates

Strony: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Forum in English / Re: Pirx and Terminus
« dnia: Maja 15, 2006, 05:10:37 am »

DyLEMaty / Odp: Filmy SF warte i nie warte obejrzenia
« dnia: Kwietnia 22, 2006, 05:53:31 pm »
Wlsnie ogladnalem GITS 2 (pirwsza czesc widzialem ze 4 lata temu), tylko ze po japonsku z Chinskimi literami.  Ladne obrazki w 2ce, ale kurna nic nie zrozumialem...najgorzej bylo wtedy kiedy ta jedna babka (pani, dama, kobieta; sorry feministki) w bialym fartuchu gadala o czyms przez 10 minut...myslalem ze padne ze znudzenia.  Generalnie nie ogladam anime czy jak to sie tak nazywa, ale widzialem tak z 5 filmow do tej pory, i badzo mi sie podobaly filmy Princess Mononoke i Ninja Scroll (facet plus samurajski miecz plus zarombiste potwory = duzo krwi i fajnej zabawy).

DyLEMaty / Odp: Filmy SF warte i nie warte obejrzenia
« dnia: Kwietnia 22, 2006, 05:34:49 pm »
Pierwszy rodzinny komputer...hm, pamietam ze mial Dos-shell czy cos takiego (biala strona i pelno "files"), 2mb Ram (expanded to 4) i jakies 16mb pamieci...  Mial Word Perfect 4 (chyba - niebieski backround), Wolfenstein 3D shareware, Commander Keen i Cosmos' Adventure.  A takze...Space Quest 3.  To byla gra.  Drugi komputer kupilem 2 lata temu, i moge stwierdzic ze duzo sie kurcze zmienilo od tamtych czasow...

Lemosfera / Re: Lem nie żyje.
« dnia: Kwietnia 01, 2006, 12:29:03 pm »
Zapalcie swieczke ode mnie tez.

Forum in English / Re: Lem has died.
« dnia: Marca 27, 2006, 06:48:18 pm »

Forum in English / Re: Letter to Socrates
« dnia: Lutego 25, 2006, 06:53:53 pm »
Hey Izzy,
no problem; send me your email and I'll send you a chapter or two.
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: superconciousness
« dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 06:50:24 pm »
I would imagine, Miranda, that you have no need, even a repressed one, for Viagra...
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: science with Lem
« dnia: Grudnia 07, 2005, 04:42:26 am »


truth or myth?

Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: universally accessible?
« dnia: Października 17, 2005, 05:39:15 pm »
In my humble opinion, it can - but then it's not a true translation but rather an embellished translator's rendition and interpretation of the original work.  The question is, should wirters do that?  Take the Illiad - dry in its original form (I was told by greeks ), but quite readable in prose format (I've read a few versions, and the most interesting ones were not in verse).  But are translators allowed to do that?  Can they improve on the original?
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: similar writers?
« dnia: Października 17, 2005, 05:34:02 pm »
I read Micromegas about a year ago; great stuff.  Voltaire was a genius.  The Stories definitely have a Tichy ring to them (or vice versa).
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: universally accessible?
« dnia: Września 28, 2005, 06:14:41 pm »
Ah yes, but if one has misconceptions about the writer by virtue of being from the same coulture, think about the misconceptions one may have about wirters of a different coulture - that is, think about Zola and what you really know about him vs what would be known about him by the general French reader.  I can see your point, though - perhaps Salman Rushdie is one example of a writer who was vilified by the muslim world so much so that people outisde of the islamic countries might know more about him than those living inside (beacuse the them he is a villian who should not be read or even mentioned).

Terminus, you are right - but then again that was known right at the outset.  Some of the universal things he's written about are obviously easily understood by the general public, but some non-universal things only by Poles.  The language is particular, and the specific events in Polish history are not shared by other nations - this means that only those who studied those things will undertsnd the references in Lem's works.  The Polish Language is exceptional in that Lem is a user of the language - he uses it to bring about an aim (to amuse or situmalte the reader), and not the other way around (the language uses Lem for some purpose).  Thus, the only reason why all of Lem's stories are not Universal is very simply because the language he uses is not universal - it is exceptional and particular to Poland, hence making the stories themselves exceptional.
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: universally accessible?
« dnia: Września 27, 2005, 07:10:44 pm »
Ok, here it goes:
I am generally opposed to the idea that ideas, feelings and situations in books are non-transmutable to people living outside the specific times and places when and where these books were first written.   The writer is a person who, it is true, lives in a particular place and in a particular time, but whose individual experiances may be so different from what the general "normal" experiances are of the rest of the population that many times his works are not reflective of those times and places in the least.  Take, for example, someone who lives their entire life in their house - as many writers in history have done - and yet who writes about travels and peoples far removed from their dwelling place.  A perfect example is Karl May - the man never visited America, yet he wrote the famous Winetou-Old Shatterhand-Old Firehand stories.  Were these stories reflective of truth about American Indians or about the American West?  Did people behave how they did in May's books?  Probably not.  And if not, then May's books are purely fiction, in which case time and place have no bearing on the stories as for them to be understood one simply needs some previous knowledge of the particulars of late 19th century America (ie, one needs to know who an Indian was, and what was a rifle, etc).  
As well, how much of the experiances of the author should we go through before we too can understand what the author writes about?  Are books only to be understood by the writers themselves?  Can any other person actually realize which of the parts of the book the writer wanted to emphasize and concentrate upon vs the filler material written only because the writer was lazy and wanted to thicken his work?  To accept that time and place are very important (crucial, in fact) things which no person could attain who hasn't actually lived through them also means that one has to accept that all books, essays or stories cannot ever be fully (or even in a significant part) appreciated by anyone else but the author himself.  The reason is that individual experiaces the writer has colour his vision and his understanding in some way - thus love may mean something to him than it does to other people, as could any other thing.
Another reason why I don't believe that argument is because I truly believe that all people can and do exhibit the same types of emotions, feelings and reasoning (except for anomalies).  The feeling of pride as described in the Illiad vs in some modern literary work is exactly the same.  Hope is the same, as is greed, or hunger, pain, etc.  These things are universal.  What might change is the setting, and the significance of particular things in the society, but human emotions and actions do not change.  Thus, as long as one is fairly well versed in history and customs of the ages one is reading about, one should be able to have no problems understanding most books.
What this means is that to understand Lem one has to work really hard to understand Poland of the last century, the ties to Russia, communism, waiting in lines for bread, Polish literary history, Polish humour, etc, etc.  But if one does study these things, and has an imagination large enough, I don't see a reason why one should not be able to understand Lem or any other writer Poland ever produced.  Thus, a pure virgin to Polish might misuderstand many of the things Lem writes about.  He will miss the razor-sharp puns Lem makes, and miss some cultural references.  He might get the general drift of the stories, but without those little additions he will not fully understand what was written.  But with some study, he should have no problem understanding the true meaning.

To my English friends who want to read the Good Soldier Svejk by Hasek I always say this:  read 50 other Czech books, see some Slavic movies, and eat some Slavic foods.    If you can, visit the Czech republic, and date someone living in those parts of the world.  After you do that for 1-2 years, you will be ready to appreciate Hasek to the fullest.

The above is a perosnal opinion, and you are free to disagree with it.  Sorry for the authoritative style, but that is sometimes how I write.
Cheers, Socrates  

Forum in English / Re: universally accessible?
« dnia: Września 27, 2005, 12:27:45 pm »
I'll accept the challange, innate, if my abilities are up to it.  
Cheers, Socrates

Forum in English / Re: any meaning to character names?
« dnia: Sierpnia 30, 2005, 09:28:02 am »
Socrates Lives!  
Cheers to all from Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.

Forum in English / Re: any meaning to character names?
« dnia: Sierpnia 18, 2005, 06:51:21 am »
Cheers Terminus.
By the by, I'm going to China for a year - may not be very frequently online anymore (not that I am right now).  I don't know how much online time I'll have, and what the web restrictions will be.  If you hear from me in a week, it means I'm ok.  
Cheers, Socrates

Strony: [1] 2 3 ... 7