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Forum in English / Franz Rottensteiner and Lem
« dnia: Maja 21, 2014, 06:17:59 pm »
Franz Rottensteiner is widely know as a promoter of Lem work; so I was a little surprised by reading this in the Lem Wikipedia article:

"Franz Rottensteiner, Lem's former agent, was instrumental in introducing him to the Western audience, but they later separated on bitter terms."

(There is no reference).

Does anybody know more the reason for this "bitter terms"?


Forum in English / Art And Science of Stanislaw Lem by Peter Swirski
« dnia: Stycznia 25, 2007, 11:48:42 pm »
New book about Stanislaw Lem.

Art And Science of Stanislaw Lem by Peter Swirski

I saw it in Amazon:

Anybody have it?

(Just a bit expensive for me... List Price:        $70.00 :(  )


From Amazon:

 Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem, whose works include Return from the Stars, The Cyberiad, A Perfect Vacuum, and Solaris, has been hailed as a "literary Einstein" and a science-fiction Bach. The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem offers an inter-disciplinary analysis of his influence on Western culture and the creative partnering of art and science in his fiction and futorology by American and European scholars who have defined Lem scholarship. Rather than analyzing Lem solely as a science fiction writer, the contributors examine the larger themes in his work, such as social engineering and human violence, agency and consciousness, Freudianism and the creative process, evolution and the philosophy of the future, virtual reality and epistemological illusion, and science fiction and socio-cultural policy. This unique collection also includes "Smart Robots," a previously unpublished essay by Lem. Contributors include Peter Butko (Southern Mississippi), Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr (DePauw), Katherine Hayles (California at Los Angeles), Jerzy Jarzebski (Jagiellonian, University Cracow), Michael Kandel (Modern Language Association), Stanislaw Lem, Paisley Livingston (Lingnan University, Hong Kong), Krzysztof Loska (Jagiellonian University), and Peter Swirski (Hong Kong).

About the Author
Peter Swirski is associate professor, American literature, and director, American studies, Hong Kong University. He is the author of A Stanislaw Lem Reader and From Lowbrow to Nobrow.
Product Details

    * Hardcover: 197 pages
    * Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press (October 30, 2006)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 0773530460
    * ISBN-13: 978-0773530461
    * Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 6.2 x 9 inches
    * Shipping Weight: 14.40 ounces

Forum in English / Suggestion about the first topic
« dnia: Października 11, 2005, 06:06:03 pm »
(I wanted to post this message in the "Info for newcomers." thread but is it closed)

I suggest to rename the first topic of this forum ("Info for newcomers") with: "All about Solaris OS (info for newcomers)"

This way we have more chances that the OS Solaris users readt it first before to post.

Forum in English / One Human Minute into a movie!!??
« dnia: Lipca 27, 2004, 12:24:12 am »
Check this out (taken from www.imdb.com):


One Human Minute (2005)

Directed by
Zoltán Verebes

Writing credits
Stanislaw Lem (book)

Production Notes/Status:
Status: Announced
Status Updated: 20 April 2004
Note: Since this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change or could be removed completely.

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian
Color: Color


Lem said in a recent interview: Now the Americans are going to make another of my books into a film. But I have not given my consent.

However, note that Lem said Americans; the film cited above is from Hungary.

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