« dnia: Maja 18, 2007, 10:22:22 am »
Hi there our French Solarist!
It was quite interesting to watch your videos.I think you are the only one who's ever tried to visualize Solaris entities - and that's good for you!
I understand that all of the animiations you shared with us on your web page are just tests before something bigger, however a few things came to my mind when I was watching it:
a) Your ocean is static. There are a few examples of moving waves but they are not very explicite. I remember that Solaris ocean was not like a typical water, but more like a gel. So I think the movement should be more plastic. I also have one more suggestion: give it a try with transparency, so we could see some undersurface movements of that gel. This could be interesting. On the other hand I don't rememeber how transparent Solaris ocean was...
b) In your animations solarianas emerge from the ocean without disturbing nearby surface. Maybe you could emphasize some sort of surface tension (just like you did it in your stills "agilus" or "symetriade").
c) Try to include more natural movements in your videos. When you show the Solaris phenomenas show us also moving clouds in the sky, like you did it in one of the animations. Include moving surface as well. Try to use more light effects, because I didn't see any shadows (only reflections on the water).
d) You included red and blue day in your animations, so I see that you really pay attantion to details given in the novel. That's great! I like it!
You also updated your pictures of Solaris entities. There are also some with humans! You show hight difference this way - good job!
OK. These were my remarks. I understand your animations are only tests and nothing more so keep above remarks just as suggestions for your future works. I'm looking forward to your next updates.