Apart from reading our beloved Chuckie's messing with-the-head statements
I'd like to write something concerning this thread's title.
So: Recently, Stanislaw Lem gave an interview for our local polish weekly "Przeglad" ("Survey"), where he outlined his expectations for humanity. And basically he said that he expects us to head towards nuclear conflict sooner or later. He gave a brief example of Teheran arming against Israel by buing a mid- and short- range ballistic missiles from Russians, and said that the overall situation of the world, which is kinda poor, is mostly the consequence of American President's doing.
As for Bush, Lem said, that along with all Bush'es characteristic comes one major feature: the guy is simply stupid. And "even is some Arab commando knocked Bush out", there's no hope for succesor, for Dick Cheney is not really wiser
That is why the political situation of the world is quite unstable.
All the above are just quotations (not word-by-word translated, for I write what I remember...)
That's it for me. Merry Xmas.