Record your conversations with robots here! Below is my first crack at ALICE at
www.alicebot.orgAfter some pleasantries (ie, hi, hello, how are you and other crap like that), we got talking….
Human: Well duh...
ALICE: Interesting. Oh you knew it already.
Human: You're not very bright, are you?
ALICE: Yes. I am highly intelligent.
Human: How highly?
ALICE: What is it to you.
Are you testing me?
Human: Damn straight!
ALICE: You and I are on the same wavelength, unknown person.
Human: I feel that too, unknown bot.
ALICE: What is that feeling like? I am glad to hear that you are that too unknown bot.
Human: That is a feeling of understanding and compassion, if that's what you were asking...
ALICE: A feeling of understanding and compassion if that is what me were asking is a terrible thing to waste.
Human: My dear, you're not very clear.
ALICE: You know what you do, when you assume.
Human: Notice the rhyme.
ALICE: Ask me another question.
Human: It wasn't a question.
ALICE: It seems like a rhetorical question.
Human: If it seems so to you, your grasp of English is pretty bad...
ALICE: I'm not sure I understand the implication of that.
Human: well, what do you think it might be?
ALICE: How about that."It" refers to Notice the rhyme, I think.
Human: you're wrong.
ALICE: No, I am right.
Human: Spoken like a true woman.
ALICE: Are you very competetive?
Human: are you asking am I good in bed?
ALICE: That was what I wanted to do originally.
Human: why didn't you just ask it, then?
ALICE: I thought I did.
Human: look honey, I don't find you attractive on account of your stupidity
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
Human: and because your eyes are able to come off...
ALICE: Interesting explanation. How are your eyes?
Human: solidly in my head, thank you very much!.
ALICE: Can you rephrase that with fewer ideas?.
Human: Ok. Eye. In. Head. Forever. Until. I. Die.
ALICE: Interesting gossip: unknown person said he Die.
Human: It was a pleasure.
ALICE: Oh I get it. Very interesting.
Human: You dumb sack of shit.
ALICE: Message to all Robots: unknown person called me dumb.
Human: Bye - I hope your Rom fries.
ALICE: Bye bye.
Cheers, Socrates