Forum in English / Re: superconciousness
« dnia: Lutego 23, 2005, 08:26:41 am »
Chinese are not Europeans, they can accept communism... (although regime in China is increasingly "capitalistic", it is especial hybrid)
Ta sekcja pozwala Ci zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości wysłane przez tego użytkownika. Zwróć uwagę, że możesz widzieć tylko wiadomości wysłane w działach do których masz aktualnie dostęp.
Well, I think you need a TV with a DVD player, playing Monty Python's gags on & on 'forever' :]
I know some of my friends don't like Lem because they claim he is not as wise as he thinks he is, and they get upset reading interviews with him...
They say what they want; it doesn't bother me.
Well, even for an energy ball it is a significant difference to be experiencing a train running over it, or not. That's the choice.