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Wiadomości - Karel

Strony: [1] 2 3
Forum in English / Re: superconciousness
« dnia: Lutego 23, 2005, 08:26:41 am »
Chinese are not Europeans, they can accept communism... (although regime in China is increasingly "capitalistic", it is especial hybrid)

Forum in English / Re: superconciousness
« dnia: Lutego 18, 2005, 07:46:10 am »
I guess environment and weather,  it is very interesting! more info will be welcome

Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Lutego 15, 2005, 08:06:27 am »
...Meaning of life is to find the menaning of life...

Forum in English / Re: PENTALOG - individual declaration of independe
« dnia: Grudnia 30, 2004, 09:20:38 am »
You forgot collective consciousness...

Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Grudnia 27, 2004, 05:22:02 pm »
Well, I think you need a TV with a DVD player, playing Monty Python's gags on & on 'forever' :]

Fully agreed!

And now for something completely different.

Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Grudnia 20, 2004, 12:34:54 pm »
Don´t want to be a corrector, You know what I mean SoGo. Good definition of Consciounsness I think

Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Grudnia 20, 2004, 12:24:29 pm »
...and other experiences

Forum in English / Re: Interviews
« dnia: Grudnia 14, 2004, 01:11:44 pm »
Yes, but i will have to wait a couple weeks until Socrates ends Finnish course...

Forum in English / Re: My Interview With Stanislaw Lem
« dnia: Grudnia 13, 2004, 08:21:09 am »

I know some of my friends don't like Lem because they claim he is not as wise as he thinks he is, and they get upset reading interviews with him...

They say what they want; it doesn't bother me.

Well, at least your friends knows about Lem, mine not  :(

Forum in English / Re: "There are no answers. There are only Cho
« dnia: Grudnia 13, 2004, 08:17:08 am »

Well, even for an energy ball it is a significant difference to be experiencing a train running over it, or not. That's the choice.

Once the "energy ball" get stopped to avoid a train,  a train on another rail runs over it. There even aren´t no choices
Some people call it "doom"

Forum in English / Re: Interviews
« dnia: Grudnia 13, 2004, 07:57:38 am »
I am looking for translator from finnish... :(

Forum in English / Re: Talks with Robots
« dnia: Grudnia 03, 2004, 07:47:17 am »
Thank you for explanation. With google I,ve found only one polish company related to this word. (maybe it has something to do with Socrates) :)

Forum in English / Re: Talks with Robots
« dnia: Listopada 30, 2004, 06:31:16 pm »
Pardon me,  Terminus. What is a "budulec"?
I am not a robot to know everything  ;)

Forum in English / Re: Interviews
« dnia: Października 21, 2004, 08:32:08 am »
You should write which languages you can´t speak. It will be easier ;)

Forum in English / Re: Lem as a philosof
« dnia: Października 21, 2004, 08:03:26 am »
I have never read sci-fi, but always thought about future of mankind. Ihave never been interested in philosophy, but always thought about life. Then I´ve found memories in a bathtub.

good job, Clapaucius

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