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Lemopedia 2014
Robert Boettcher:
Currently an effort is being made to migrate stanislaw-lem.wikia.com to The Lemopedia.
For that its a lot of button pressing (open new article in Lemopedia, copy source, paste source, then delete the article on Stanislaw-lem.wikia, then adding Categorys by hand).
If anyone is interested in helping, this last year the data that is in Stanislaw-lem.wikia was gathered and there is a lot of unique stub articles about all kinds of stuff Lem came up with in his novels.
Furthermore, if anyone can provide an article or an interview by Lem translated from a foreign language into English, it could be used as a Source on this Wiki (see the http://lem.pl/lemopedia/Lemopedia:Community_portal for more info on this part of the project.
The third part is scavenging the internet for all bibliographic links to Interviews and Articles by and from Stanislaw Lem. A lot of it, starting from Material from the 90s is not readily available and research institutes might have to be contacted. For that purpose, a general list of these bibliographies and their current status in getting the source should be started. (And an updated edit with the link posted here).
Just some ideas for making this Wiki as successfull as the Stanislaw-Lem.wikia.com was (at the end between 144-4 visitors daily).
Robert B.
I'm impressed:)
Categories/pages: person, character, characters, Lem's character, no category...I think they mixed up:)
For example : "Arago" should be in Elements/Characters...etc.
It's easier to find this person by these cathegories - like "Ijon Tichy"
What’s wrong with Pirx? Perfect vacuum?;)
maybe you should delete this page?:)
So...what can I help you with?:)
--- Cytat: olkapolka w Października 17, 2014, 10:50:11 pm ---maybe you should delete this page?:)
--- Koniec cytatu ---
olka, maybe it's not necessary. I thik that this is just Robert's sandbox verssion "Ijon Tichy" page, ready for further editions.
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