Stanisław RemuszkoDokladna historia napisania i wydania Golema XIV, w tym o skladach angielskiego i polskich wydan, w tym cytaty rownolegle o "Samolubnym genie" Dawkinsa i kodzie Lema patrz w specjalnym rozdziale "O Golemie XIV osobno" w mojej ksiazce "Stanislaw Lem" ktora tobie prezentowalem.... to tez i po angielsku w Liverpoolu w artykule "Problems and Dilemmas: Lem's
Golem XIV" regards The Selfish Gene, Lem recorded with obvious pleasure that, two full years before Richard Dawkins, he described the essence of the ‘selfish gene’, albeit using a different terminology than the British scientist. Clearly, if you put them side by side, they speak of the same phenomenon. Here is Lem in the guise of a supercomputer in “Golem’s Inaugural Lecture – About Man Threefold”:
Evolution was no longer keeping a sharp eye on you or on any other creatures, for it is interested in no creatures whatsoever, but only in its notorious code. The code of heredity is a dispatch continually articulated anew, and only this dispatch counts in Evolution – in fact, it is Evolution. The code is engaged in the periodic production of organisms, since without their rhythmic support it would disintegrate in the endless attack of dead matter. Thus it is self-generating, for it is capable of self-repetition by an orderliness that is beleaguered by thermal chaos.
Here is Dawkins, two years after Lem:
Sexual reproduction has the effect of mixing and shuffling genes. This means that any one individual body is just a temporary vehicle for a short-lived combination of genes. The combination of genes that is any one individual may be short-lived, but the genes themselves are potentially very long-lived. Their paths constantly cross and recross down the generations. One gene may be regarded as a unit which survives through a large number of successive individual bodies… It leaps from body to body down the generations, manipulating body after body in its own way and for its own ends, abandoning a succession of mortal bodies before they sink in senility and death.